
Counting On: What Are Jinger Duggar And Jeremy Vuolo Up To During quarantine?

Counting On: What Are Jinger And Jeremy Up To During quarantine?

Jinger Duggar is raked on hot coals again. This time to share a picture of her and Jeremy Vuolo wearing masks.

Felicity was also in the photo, but she wasn’t wearing a mask, she was wearing her doll. Jinger and Jeremy had Dodgers masks made for all of them, and this is where the controversy begins.

Counting On Stars Slammed Over Felicity’s Mask

The photo Jinger shared with her family did not include Felicity wearing the mask.

It was on her doll, but that didn’t stop the followers from letting the stars of reality know that a child under two should not wear a mask.

Some fans took to Jinger, claiming that in the photo Felicity wasn’t wearing the mask. Jeremy Vuolo had shared a photo of him and his little girl, and was holding the mask in her face.

It also triggered conversations about children and the dangers of wearing something like that.

Both photos are still standing, and neither Jinger Duggar nor Jeremy have responded to criticism from followers. Felicity won’t celebrate her second birthday until July, so for now she’s still too small to wear a mask.

Counting On: What Are Jinger And Jeremy Up To During quarantine?

California’s been under contract to stay home for a few weeks now. Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo have been home and enjoyed their time together.

In a recent Instagram post, Jinger revealed that they have been cleaning the house, spending time playing with Felicity and doing things that weren’t a priority. This summer will mark a year of life for the couple in California.

There has been speculation that Jinger may be expecting her second child. No announcement has been made, but her visit to Arkansas at the end of February was the main factor that made the followers think there might be a sandwich in the oven. If Jinger wasn’t expecting before, there may be a child in quarantine.

Now that Jinger and Jeremy know what the followers of Felicity wearing a mask think, it’s unlikely to be shown again.

Another controversy for the Counting On family is just another notch in a belt for them. It’s only a matter of time before this one is forgotten, and another one takes its place.

Written by Sarah Milner

Sarah Milner is a freelance writer for over 5 years.


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  1. What you idiots stop coming down on her for nothing it’s unbelievable how the stupidity of you people are. Leave her alone , she’s happy her husband is happy their baby is happy leave them alone how dare you.

  2. Get off their backs !!! Who among the “shamers”are perfect ? Would you appreciate unsolicited advice on how to raise YOUR little darlings ? I think not. Mind your own business, and let the VUOLOS get on with theirs 🙉🙊🙈

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