
My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Lennie & Whitney Way Thore Reunite

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Lennie & Whitney Way Thore Reunite

Fans of My Big Fat Fabulous Life noticed something very different about Whitney Way Thore this weekend. In fact, their suspicions that she might be meeting Lennie again grew. So what’s going on with the TLC star right now?

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Lennie & Whitney Way Thore Reunite

A week ago, Whitney Way Thore posted clips from her friend Jessica’s wedding. In this clip she made Lennie look a bit silly, dancing slow and close, she suddenly jumped away and started dancing hard.

So Lennie stood there and watched in amazement. Now that he’s posted more photos of himself with her, fans are wondering if his faceless Frenchman is history.

The My Big Fat Fabulous Life star admitted that a new season is coming later this year. But fans don’t think they’ll see the French supervisor she claims to love, in fact some people think it’s all a BS story and maybe she and Lennie got back together. Now she shared more of him, but she was also wearing braces.

Many fans of My Big Fat Fabulous Life asked Whitney Thore why she wears braces. Meanwhile, others made comments inviting answers. At the time of writing, however, she has not replied at all. This upsets some people. He had to know that people would notice them and wonder about them.

Written by Ashley Bennett

Ashley Bennett is a US Reality TV/Entertainment Writer with theworldnewsdaily.


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