The 21st season of the show LPBW began with Lilah Roloff health scandal. Fortunately, despite having RSV and Influenza A, she fought it off and did very well. And in real time she’s a picture of health.
Since Lilah of LPBW does have dwarfism, Tori Roloff says she’s extra nervous. Lilah is a little behind in her development. And her mother is always on the lookout to make sure she’s doing well.
Recently, Little People, Big World sweetheart Lilah hit some big milestones that mommy was waiting for. One of them was over, and the other one stopped nursing. Tori even said she wasn’t trying to wean her. But the new accomplishments excited her parents.
LPBW: Lilah Roloff Enjoys Hanging Out
Tori Roloff said that Lilah’s favorite position is on her back, looking over her head. Although Lilah Roloff likes to lie on her back, it seems that the Little People, Big World Star has found another position she likes. Her mother has a new wrap baby holder in which she has put Lilah, and she is giggling up a storm.
Little People, Big World mother, Tori, said things would never be the same again. While she was walking around with Lilah, she was laughing and giggling. Everybody loves to watch the TLC show, and now that there are two little stars on the TLC show, they can’t keep their eyes off the screen.
Recently, Lilah welcomed people to the LPBW farm’s pumpkin season event. They drove around on her grandfather’s ATV, and she had a great time. It looks like she has the extroverted side of her mother, according to the fans.