Reality TV star Christine Brown, from the popular show Sister Wives, has taken to social media to warn her fans about an Instagram scammer posing as her. The 51-year-old posted a video on her Instagram Stories displaying her recent weight loss while holding up her phone screen, which showed a message that appeared to be from the imposter. In the video, Christine urged her followers to be cautious of scams and let them know that she is not asking for collaborations through direct messages.
Sister Wives: Christine Brown’s Weight Loss Progress
Aside from warning her followers, Christine has been keeping her fans updated on her weight loss journey. The TLC personality has been documenting her progress online for years and recently posted a series of selfies showing off her slim figure and bright smile. In the caption, she shared a quote from Charles Dickens and expressed her appreciation for the sunshine and fresh air.
Sister Wives: Christine Brown’s Engagement and Wedding Plans
In early April, Christine’s boyfriend David proposed to her after secretly dating for months. The couple went public with their relationship on Valentine’s Day, and their engagement was filmed for the next season of Sister Wives.
While the wedding date is yet to be announced, a source revealed that the couple is moving quickly and that the ceremony will likely be filmed for the show. Christine has been seeking help from her Utah followers for her wedding planning, including finding a wedding dress, flowers, and cake.