
90 Day Fiance: Ed Brown and Liz Marie Woods Secretly Split?

90 Day Fiance: Ed Brown and Liz Marie Woods Secretly Split?

TLC viewers say Ed Brown and Liz Marie Woods’s split comes as no surprise. Most viewers say they would be more surprised if the happily married couple had gone a whole season without breaking up. But this season’s divorce for the 90 Day Fiance couple was something else. Ed Brown says they argued nonstop, and he was over it.

She says she asked Liz Marie Woods to move out of her home because she felt they needed space. At the time, he says their relationship was better than it had been for years. They both had their own space, but they spent a few days a week together. But she has a different version of the story.

She says he kicked her out. And she says she had nowhere to go, so she spent some time “couch surfing” before finding a new apartment.

She agrees with her 90 Day Fiance and feels their relationship is going well. But, she adds, they do have some rules. For example, he only allowed himself to see her every other night. That is until she discovered that he lied to her about contacting his former fiancée Rose Vega.

Naturally, Liz Marie Woods feels very hurt when she discovers that Ed Brown lied about approaching Rose. They have another heated confrontation when Ed Brown reads the text messages he sent Rose. She finds it was sent just two days before they were looking for a wedding venue and planning to set a date.

The 90 Day Fiance star garnered a lot of support in the aftermath of her happily ever after. But the actresses agreed she was wrong. This upset her because she felt attacked by everyone. She later accused him of performing in front of them to get their sympathy and support and failed her.

During the first two parts of the four-part Tell-All, Big Ed Brown and Liz Woods acted as if their relationship was over for good this time. But TLC fans are sceptical, and with good reason. They say they’ve heard the same story from the couple repeatedly. The woman says she’s fed up with him for good. But is she?

Written by Emma Fisher

TV Writer.
Emma Fisher is a US Reality TV/Entertainment Writer with theworldnewsdaily.


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