
Kody Brown Embraces Monogamy, But Does He Regret Choosing Robyn Over His Family?

Kody Brown Embraces Monogamy, But Does He Regret Choosing Robyn Over His Family?
Kody Brown Embraces Monogamy, But Does He Regret Choosing Robyn Over His Family?

Kody Brown proudly declared his monogamous lifestyle on the latest Sister Wives episode.

“I’m a monogamist now!” Kody exclaimed while cutting down trees near his shared home with Robyn Brown. The scene was meant to show a new chapter in Kody’s life, but fans couldn’t help but notice his almost resigned acceptance of his reality.

With Christine, Janelle, and Meri Brown out of the picture, Kody’s only remaining wife is Robyn. He even joked about how Robyn now makes all the rules, saying, “There’s a new rule that Robyn made… because I’m a monogamist, my wife gets to make rules, right?”

But while Kody claims to be content with his life, his comments about his ex-wives and children tell a different story.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown on Christine’s New Marriage: “I Hope They’re Happy”

Christine Brown has moved on with her new husband, David Woolley, but Kody had some thoughts about her new relationship.

“I’m really excited for her,” Kody Brown shared. “I’ve only met David once, and everything that I can gather is it’s moved pretty fast, but sometimes you just know.”

However, his statement didn’t sound entirely sincere. Fans picked up on the underlying tension when he added, “I hope someday the time comes where we’re just comfortable being around each other.”

It’s clear that while Kody claims to have made peace with Christine’s new life, there’s lingering resentment.

Sister Wives: Fans Think Kody Brown Regrets Breaking His Family for Robyn

Many fans believe Kody Brown dismantled his family for Robyn Brown, and now, he’s living with the consequences.

On Reddit, viewers debated whether Kody regrets his decisions. One fan wrote, “So do we think Kody is finally starting to regret his decision to burn down his entire family for one woman? He thought just the two of them was what she wanted all along. He achieved their goal, right?”

Others speculated that Robyn might not be as invested in the relationship as Kody is. One viewer suggested, “I’ve always believed Robyn’s priorities when marrying Kody were to acquire financial security, tolerate him, and tolerate the family. She’s never seemed as crazy about him as he is about her.”

Fans theorized that Robyn flipped the script on Kody, turning the competition for love and attention in her favor. “He was used to the women competing for his love and attention, and Robyn flipped the tables. Now he’s constantly competing for her love and approval,” a fan wrote.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown Won’t Reconcile With His Kids Unless They Accept Robyn

Kody Brown’s estrangement from many of his 18 children has been a major storyline this season. However, he made it clear that any reconciliation comes with conditions.

“My children will always be my children, and the door will always be open to them,” Kody said. “They’ve got to come through that door.”

But he added a catch: “I’m going to be holding a hand out for that, but I’m going to be holding this hand that’s next to me, and I won’t let go of that hand. I will not cut off Robyn to have a relationship with my children.”

This statement angered Sister Wives fans. Many called Kody out for putting his relationship with Robyn above his children.

“How does a real man just want to leave his 18 kids because things get a little rough?” one viewer questioned. Another added, “He can’t accept his kids without Robyn? That says everything about his priorities.”

Sister Wives: Does Kody Truly Miss His Family – or Just the Experience of Being a Patriarch?

Despite his claims that he misses his family, Kody’s actions suggest otherwise.

When he and Robyn attended family events like Gwendolyn’s bridal shower and Logan’s wedding, they appeared uncomfortable and distant from the extended family.

While Kody and Robyn talk about missing the family experience, they never mention missing specific people. Instead, they seem more interested in receiving respect and attention from those they alienated.

For many viewers, it’s clear that Kody regrets losing the benefits of a large family more than the actual relationships he once had.

Sister Wives: Is Robyn Brown Regretting the Fallout?

Robyn Brown has repeatedly claimed that she wanted a plural family. Yet, she remains Kody’s only wife.

Despite her declarations, many fans believe Robyn was never truly interested in polygamy. Instead, they speculate she was after financial security and a stable relationship — which she got when the other wives left.

In one particularly telling moment, Robyn’s sarcasm toward Christine’s new life shone through. “Aren’t we just so happy for them?” Robyn sneered. “We just want Christine to be happy; that’s what we want, right?”

Her words were dripping with bitterness, making it clear she’s not thrilled about Christine’s newfound happiness.

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Written by Christine Cohan

Christine Cohan is a US Reality TV/Entertainment Writer with theworldnewsdaily.

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