
90 Day Fiancé: Kara Bass Makes A Shocking Statement

90 Day Fiancé: Kara Bass Makes A Shocking Statement

In season 9 of 90 Day Fiancé, Kara Bass admitted that she had made up a plot with Guillermo Rojer. While in the Dominican Republic on a job search, Kara, who is originally from Charlottesville, met Guillermo from Venezuela. After Kara returned to the United States, the pair kept in touch.

When Kara Bass had to return to the Dominican Republic for work, they moved in together, bought a puppy and Guillermo proposed. Guillermo, now engaged, travelled to the United States on a K-1 visa to marry her. Kara had declared herself a bachelor, despite the fact that Guillermo was only 23 and she 29, and then secrets from her past began to haunt their relationship.

90 Day Fiancé: Kara Bass Makes A Shocking Statement

Guillermo Rojer discovered that Kara Bass had cheated on him through her ex-boyfriend and questioned whether or not marrying her was the right decision. Kara’s lifestyle was completely different from Guillermo’s and she made all the decisions about their future and partied a lot. Guillermo resented Kara’s blatant behaviour and her epiphany made fans wonder if the couple would ever flourish.

In fact, right from the start, Guillermo and Kara Bass had a significant disagreement over money, as the man wanted to buy a computer so he could spend time while Kara went to work. Kara, however, claims that the laptop scene with Guillermo was entirely made up.

An Instagram conversation between Kara Bass and a 90 Day Fiancé fan regarding the alleged computer scene was found by Reddit user u/ndiojukwu.

A fan said via a facepalm emoji that Kara “no longer need to argue over a laptop cost now” as Guillermo Rojer now probably has a green card as she has been married to Kara for over a year. An offended Kara remarked to a fan after watching the remark, “That was an argument the network wanted”. Kara claims Guillermo never wanted a laptop. She responded and added: “Just fyi”. In the course of the scenario, Kara continually put Guillermo’s desire for a laptop down to their financial situation. Due to visa restrictions, Guillermo was unable to work in America for some time. She claimed that they had the money because she had sold off her assets before moving to America.

But Kara had advised Guillermo to use her old computer instead of wasting money on a new one. Fans were not happy that Guillermo could not buy what she wanted, especially as the money was her own. Kara also made fun of Guillermo, declaring with a grin, “You never used a computer in your life.” Fans believed that Kara and Guillermo will end their relationship when the 9th season of 90 Day Fiancé ends for various reasons.

This scenario was just one of them. However, they ended up becoming the first couple to get married on the show and Kara’s pregnancy was revealed on Tell All. This November, Kara and Guillermo will have a baby. Kara has given up balloon making and is now pursuing a successful real estate career, and fans have yet to find out what Guillermo does for a living in the United States. The couple have no reason to worry about the cost of a laptop and may never have had one in the first place.

Written by Evelyn Foster

Evelyn Foster is a US Reality TV/Entertainment Writer with theworldnewsdaily.

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