90 Day Fiance star, Yara Zaya, is using her platform to bring awareness to the invasion happening in her homeland, Ukraine. Yara Zaya, who has always been proud to represent the place where she was born and raised, has been expressing her emotions about the current state of the country and wants to bring awareness to those who may not understand what is happening.
In recent days, she has become outspoken in sharing the details of what is happening in Ukraine, saying that while she is scared, she also just wants to help and provide information for others who want to help.
90 Day Fiancé: Yara Zaya Is ‘Scared’ For Her Home Country
While she lives in Louisiana with her husband Jovi and their daughter, Yara Zaya’s entire family continues to live in Ukraine. Since the invasion began, she has been in contact with them to ensure their safety and they too have shared details about what is happening. Yara Zaya then posted a video on her Instagram account to share what she knows about the situation. In the video, Yara Zaya is visibly emotional as she says that her family is in a safe place, however they are very scared.
She goes on to say that she has also spoken to friends back home who have made themselves safe in shelters. They explained to her that they keep hearing the bombs going off and are just afraid of what is happening and keep wondering how they can stay safe.
Yara urged her fanbase to keep the people of Ukraine in their thoughts as she is working on posting different ways to provide help and support.
In a separate post, Yara Zaya shared a clip of her interview on Fox News, where she continued to share updates on the Ukrainian invasion.
In the video, she explains the problems citizens have faced finding a safe place to shelter. According to her family and friends, finding oil for vehicles is difficult, and lines for public transportation like the train are miles long with extreme wait times. This has caused many people to stay in their homes, hoping it is safer than trying to travel.
He went on to share his fears that the Ukrainian military will be forced to recruit members to fight and defend their country. Her concerns stem from the fact that she has a grandson who is almost 18 years old and may be asked to join the army. Yara then shared her hopes that this will not happen and reiterated her desire for everyone to be safe.
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