In the eighth season of ABC’s entrepreneurial hit show, “Shark Tank“, Cam MacKugler from Middlebury, Vermont brought an innovative solution to home gardening. His idea was simple, yet ingenious: Seedsheets. Just unroll a sheet of dissolvable patches, add water, and voilà – you have your garden starting to sprout. MacKugler even enticed Mark Cuban with the prospect of setting a world record for the fastest time to precision plant 7,000 seeds. The entrepreneur eventually snagged a deal from Lori Greiner for $500,000 in exchange for a 20 percent stake in his business.
Following its TV debut, the Seedsheets inventory has shifted quite a bit. Initially, smaller container-sized kits were promoted, but now, only larger 8 foot by 4 foot raised bed Seedsheets are available. Despite this change in size, the variety of options is still impressive, featuring unique kits such as pad Thai and southern comfort among others.
Shark Tank: Greiner’s Influence and Publicity on QVC
As part of the deal with MacKugler, Greiner promised to increase the brand’s visibility through QVC. In 2017, she upheld this promise, showcasing Seedsheets to a massive television audience. Dubbing MacKugler the “garden whisperer”, she presented these innovative garden kits for $24.96 each.
Shark Tank: Customer Reviews: A Mixed Bag
As with any product, customer feedback is crucial, and for Seedsheets, the reviews have been somewhat of a mixed bag. There’s no denying the novelty and convenience of the product, but some customers have voiced dissatisfaction. Comments on QVC’s platform range from delayed deliveries to the quality of growth. Amazon reviews echo similar sentiments, with users reporting minimal or no growth despite adhering to the instructions.
Shark Tank: Current Availability and Future Prospects
Seedsheets are currently unavailable on both QVC and Amazon. However, the business is still very much in operation and has adjusted its offering to better suit customer needs. Its ongoing journey reflects the challenges and triumphs that startups typically encounter post-“Shark Tank”.
From its beginnings as a promising pitch on “Shark Tank” to navigating the rough seas of customer reviews and product evolution, the story of Seedsheets is an intriguing tale of entrepreneurial resilience. As Seedsheets continues to grow and adapt, there’s no doubt that we’ll be hearing more about this innovative gardening solution in the future.
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