Since TLC’s 7 Little Johnstons first aired in 2015, the reality show that follows the big family of little people has been churning out new seasons as fans flock to the network for more. Currently, the show’s 11th season is airing on TLC, following the family that takes in a Finnish exchange student, Joose, who is also a little person.
But rumors have started circulating that the long-running series is potentially on the network’s chopping block. As several TV networks have been canceling beloved series at an alarming rate, many are wondering if the Johnston family could be next. Has TLC canceled 7 Little Johnstons?
Has ‘7 Little Johnstons’ Been Canceled?
Fans were immediately concerned about the show’s fate after teen Emma Johnston conducted a Q&A on her Instagram. During her session, a fan asked if she knew anything about potential new seasons of the show. “Hint hint hint,” Emma Johnston told the fan before diving into her answer. Rumor has it that Emma and her family are in the process of filming 20 more episodes and then “that [is] it.” If you look at the history of the show’s seasons, you’ll notice that most seasons are no longer than 10 episodes.
While Emma Johnston hasn’t necessarily confirmed that the family reality show is coming to an end, this information about their filming seems to suggest that they may be doing their last filming session before saying goodbye to TLC.
It’s also entirely possible that this indicates that the family is filming another 20 episodes that they are aware of, and if the show were to be picked up past that point, they would start filming again. At this time, it’s not entirely certain what’s in store for the show after season 11.
Neither TLC nor any of the other family members have confirmed whether 7 Little Johnstons has been picked up for season 12, though if Emma’s posts are any indication, it looks like the network may film through season 13 before ending.
If this is true, then the reality show will have been on the air for about eight years before it closes. As the Johnston kids are slowly growing up and moving on, it’s possible that they will begin their lives outside of the much-loved reality show.