
Shania Twain Opens Up About Her Ex-Husband’s Infidelity

Shania Twain Opens Up About Her Ex-Husband’s Infidelity

Shania Twain, a 58-year-old Canadian singer, shared her forgiveness view on the Great Company with Jamie Laing podcast. She openly talked about her ex-husband, Robert “Mutt” Lange, who cheated with her friend, Marie-Anne Thiébaud. Despite the betrayal, Twain doesn’t hate Lange.

“Do I hate my ex-husband for making a mistake? No. It’s his mistake. Not my mistake,” Twain said. She elaborated that forgiveness is about understanding the other person and letting go of the burden, adding, “So sad for him that he made such a great mistake that he has to live with. And I don’t know what that is, but it’s not … That’s not my weight.”

Twain has since moved on and married Frédéric Thiébaud, the ex-husband of Marie-Anne, in 2011. Their relationship continues to thrive.

Twain Reflects on Her Tough Childhood

During the podcast, Twain also reflected on her difficult childhood, marked by emotional and physical abuse from her stepfather, Jerry. She shared that she has managed to forgive him, understanding that his actions stemmed from his own issues. “My father’s a better example, okay, because this is someone that I totally forgive,” she said. “He’s a human being that deserves empathy and understanding.”

Twain emphasized the importance of empathy and understanding, even for those who have wronged us, as part of the healing process.

Shania Twain has spoken openly about the affair in past interviews. She did so on the Armchair Expert podcast. There, she said that her current husband, Frédéric, handled the situation calmly and thoughtfully. This helped her cope.

Shania Twain Praises Taylor Swift’s Influence

Shania Twain recently praised Taylor Swift on Extra. She emphasized Swift’s big impact on the music industry. Twain also called Swift a great role model for young artists. She commended Swift’s courage and effort.

Twain acknowledged that her career and bold clothes helped pave the way for artists like Swift. They can now express themselves freely. “When the artists themselves speak, [and] reference me, or they’re showing respect or when we talk, they share that it inspired them to feel more liberated,” Twain said. She added that hearing Swift reference her as an influence “warms” her heart and makes her “very happy.”

Mutual Admiration and Inspiration

Taylor Swift has long admired Shania Twain. She credits Twain for influencing her career. In a 2008 blog post, Swift called meeting Twain a career highlight. She praised Twain as the most impressive, independent, confident, and successful female country artist.

Twain’s recent comments keep showing the mutual respect and admiration between the two artists.

Written by Evelyn Foster

Evelyn Foster is a US Reality TV/Entertainment Writer with theworldnewsdaily.

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