The tumultuous relationship between “90 Day Fiance” stars Kalani Faagata and Asuelu Pulaa has been a rollercoaster ride from the start. From Asuelu’s arrival in America, which raised concerns for Kalani about taking on a partner who seemed like “another child,” to the couple’s eventual split fueled by infidelities on both sides, their story has captivated audiences. Kalani, initially worried about Asuelu’s maturity and commitment, found herself in a constant battle of ups and downs, culminating in a dramatic breakup following Asuelu’s infidelity in Samoa and Kalani’s own entanglement with a man who was meant to be just a hall pass.
Despite their separation, Kalani Faagata moved forward with her life, notably with Dallas Nuez, hinting at a new relationship through subtle social media cues. The “90 Day Fiance” community, aware of the duo’s tumultuous past and Kalani’s significant step in moving on from Asuelu—the only man she’d been with before Dallas—has largely supported her decision to seek happiness elsewhere.
90 Day Fiance Stars Kalani and Asuelu Unite for Son’s Birthday Bash!
In an unexpected turn of events, Kalani Faagata and Asuelu Pulaa recently came together, not for themselves, but for their children. The occasion? The sixth birthday of their eldest son, Oliver.
This reunion marks a significant moment for the family, demonstrating that despite their differences and tumultuous past, Kalani and Asuelu are willing to come together for the well-being of their children. Asuelu, now residing in Las Vegas, made the journey to California, emphasizing the importance of family and the health and happiness of their sons above all else. His social media posts, filled with images and heartfelt messages, underscored this sentiment, with captions like “Not about me” but “for these boys to have a healthy life.”
Kalani also took to social media, sharing updates and moments from Oliver’s birthday, allowing fans and followers a glimpse into the family’s dynamics during this special time. This reunion, while surprising to some, showcases the maturity and growth both Kalani and Asuelu have undergone, putting their children’s needs at the forefront.
How 90 Day Fiance’s Kalani & Asuelu Tackle Co-Parenting Across State Lines!
The question on many fans’ minds is how Kalani and Asuelu will continue to co-parent, given their history and current living situations. This reunion, albeit for a joyous occasion, opens up discussions on the future of their co-parenting arrangement and how they will manage to maintain a healthy environment for their sons. With Kalani’s move to California and Asuelu’s life in Las Vegas, the logistics and dynamics of their arrangement are of keen interest to “90 Day Fiance” enthusiasts and those following the couple’s journey.
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