Erika Owens has been open with fans about her past struggles with her health. The 90 Day Fiance TLC celeb said looking at herself as a teenager breaks her heart.
At the time, she felt so “unhealthy and unhappy” with herself. However, Erika has been able to make positive changes in her life “physically and mentally.
But it hasn’t always been easy for the 90 Day Fiance star. Erika recently told fans what she regretted most about being at the TLC show. She said that by being at the show, she as people saw it as a reason to belittle her. Erika also said it would be nice if she could just be herself without being criticized for what she does.
Not long ago, Erika broke off after finding out she had on a few pounds. And to make matters worse, the 90 Day Fiance TLC star saw a message from a personal trainer who showed “fat shame and his disgust” toward the body’s positive movement.
Erika is mentally ill that there are people working in the fitness industry who embarrass people because of their weight. She doesn’t like it when people associate weight with laziness or lack of determination.
90 Day Fiance’s Erika Owens wants people working in the health industry to “empower and encourage” others instead of belittling them. She said no one wants to work with someone who makes fun of their customers behind their back or in public. She believes that trainers should motivate their clients and not point out their flaws.
I just love Annie and David. Despite the age difference I think that they are the cutest couple ever. I really enjoy watching them on TLC. Let them have a spin off. Get rid of Darcy & Stacy big crying babies and boring too.