Sister Wives’ second wife Janelle Brown is surprisingly the only woman who fully supports Kody Brown’s plans. Her support comes as a shock to most fans. Most would have thought that Robyn or Christine would be Kody’s greatest cheerleaders. But they both have the opposite opinion than Janelle. Meri Brown decided not to say anything and to watch her co-owners vent their feelings. Looks like she had the right idea.
Janelle Brown is very practical about money and finances. So her support probably comes from the savings factor that a family brings with it. Also, she and her six children have a good memory of all the siblings and mothers living together. According to Janelle, the way the family has spread out in houses miles apart is destroying their family culture. All of the Browns under one roof would surely unite them and create the bonds that younger siblings currently lack.
Christine Refuses To Cohabitate Ever Again
Kody Brown’s third wife, Christine, is adamant that she will never live with her sister wives again. She vehemently opposes sharing quarters with the ladies she shares her husband with. Christine says she would like nothing more than to be their neighbor forever but never again their roommate.
Her reasons are very selfish. According to the mother of six children, she likes the person she is when she’s in control of her living environment. It’s clear that Christine doesn’t have the family’s best interests at heart, only her own. However, as Kody says, she has to lead the family and they may not like her choices, but everyone follows where you go. So there is a high probability that with Janelle’s help she can influence others in her grand plan for the house. But for now, the Sister Wives clan remains a divided house.
Christine needs to stop with all the drama already. They forced Janelle’s son to leave his senior year of high school. Here reasons are selfish and actually completely ignore the Mormon teaching of headship.
It’s a great idea, Kody, if you all decide to move once again, the home could sell as condos. And Christine, you would be the queen of YOUR castle…..
Why not build a Cul-de-Sac on the property? ..Maybe with a communal gathering house (Kody’s kitchen & family room)?
Why not build a Cul-de-Sac on the property? ..Maybe with a communal gathering house (Kody’s kitchen & family room)?
As an Astrologer.. I do see m8difications coming!! 🙂
I fully understand Christine’s wants and needs. She seems to love Cody with all her being but she is her own woman who could do very well on her own. On the other hand, I’m not sure Cody has his wives best interests in mind, only his own. His constant need to rule is eventually going to be their downfall. Embrace what you have Cody, get a clue.
I think these four woman have signed up for this one husband and it comes to a point where he’s the man of the house you are living this life then live it the way one husband his wife and children live! They can’t have their cake and eat it too!!! Trying to pretend Cody doesn’t sleep with each one of you is down playing he’s all your husbands and he’s the dad / grandpa ! Deal with it! Also jenelle you have more sense then the rest and start treating Mary with respect !!!!!!!!
And Cody you need to say “this is our life and I will be the leader of this pack”! Their input is fair but no way should they act like they are married to this man and he has only one wife because he doesn’t! And when I said be nicer to marry pay more attention and take her out have fun!!!!
They all new what they were getting into. All the spirit wives should leave, especially Meri. They are all capable of supporting themselves and don’t need Kody for anything. You aren’t happy? Get out!
Tired if seeing Meri being dismissed and mistreated!
Somehow in there Meri allows them to do that to her tho. Meri seems to work hard and throw herself into it because she dont have little ones, and became quite successful. She never would’ve been catfished if she felt valued In any way in that so called union. I would just LOVE to see Meri cut loose and snap on Christine! And if Kody don’t like it, tuff. Stand her ground if leaving isnt what she intends to do. I would like it if Meri just jetted out if there and created a show if her own.
Need new material. Let the wives bring in 3 more husbands. Only this time Intelligent ones!! Now that’s a show👌
I totally agree with you! Meri and Janelle are the only ones that seem to remember they share a husband! Christine and Robin are losing this battle! They seem to forget what they signed up for!