
What Happened To Bianca Hayes From My 600-lb Life?

What Happened To Bianca Hayes From My 600-lb Life?

Since My 600-lb Life’s 2012 debut, hopefuls tackle obesity with Dr. Now’s help. The show boosts their weight loss efforts effectively.

In “Bianca’s Story” episode, we meet Bianca Hayes, a mom from Tennessee. Seeking Dr. Now’s approval for a second surgery. Her first gastric bypass worked temporarily. She gained weight after having a baby with Romonte Phillips.

What Happened To Bianca Hayes From My 600-lb Life?

Bianca Hayes, on TLC, shared her lifelong weight struggles. Her mother’s alcohol addiction led to emotional eating habits. Her mother, stepfather, and biological father passed away in succession.

Bianca opted for weight loss surgery after her son’s birth. Romonte shouldered most household chores due to Bianca’s weight.

Dr. Now approved Bianca’s surgery after significant weight loss. Scar tissue limited a full bypass, so a gastric sleeve was fitted. Bianca lost a total of 140 kilos post-surgery.

Bianca said she went to aqua aerobics classes to exercise and that she got a job packing groceries. Since taking part in the series, Bianca has been very active on Facebook. Her page says that she still lives in Houston and that she is continuing her weight loss progress.

Written by Tommy Kilmer

TV Writer
Tommy Kilmer has been writing about TV, and celebrities since 2019.


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