
Little People Big World: Matt Roloff Said The Farm Has Changed

Little People, Big World: Matt Roloff Said The Farm Has Changed

Little People Big World stars Amy Roloff and Matt Roloff filed for divorce in 2015 and have since split most of their assets. And that includes the Roloff farms! Matt has bought her share of the farm from Amy Roloff and the current season shows her hunt for her new dream home off the farm.

Now, in a footage from this season’s April 14th episode of Little People Big World we see Matt preparing to build a wall dividing their spaces on the farm.

Little People, Big World: Matt Roloff Said The Farm Has Changed

Matt said that while he was getting ready to hang the wall, the farm changed. Amy Roloff said it changed six years ago. However, she agrees that the fence is symbolic and represents a huge change. Previously, they regarded it as a large property. Actually, though, it’s more like two different properties and the wall represents it.

With all the changes coming on Roloff farms, one can say that things will never be the same again. But that doesn’t mean that their life has taken a bad turn. After all, the Roloffs are happy with their new life. It has paved the way for better things for the family.

Some Other Changes In The Roloff’s Lives

Tori Roloff recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. However, she is a dwarf, just like her father and brother. In recent episodes, we saw Tori and Zach both concerned when they found out they had a baby girl with dwarfism. When Tori Roloff heard the news, she burst into tears.

Meanwhile, Zach Roloff confided in his mother and expressed his concern that his daughter is a dwarf. He felt that life, as it is, is hard for girls in general because they can be really mean to each other. Amy Roloff agreed, because she confronted her like a dwarf girl herself. She added that she had to deal with a little bullying and never felt part of anything.

However, she continued to comfort Zach Roloff and said that her daughter didn’t need to face the same things. She also said that she was extremely shy and that Lilah might not become like that. As for Jackson, we saw Grandpa Matt build him a plane. He seemed happy with the present and couldn’t wait to play with it.

Written by Christine Cohan

Christine Cohan is a US Reality TV/Entertainment Writer with theworldnewsdaily.


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  1. So happy for Amy Roloff now that she is engaged to a man who truly appreciates this lovely woman. Everyone deserves to be really happy!

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