Little People, Big World is back with more Roloff family drama. So far, in the twentieth season, we have seen Amy Roloff find a new home, as she is still working to leave Roloff Farms after her divorce from Matt Roloff. And Matt and his girlfriend, Caryn Chandler, are still going strong – although sometimes there seems to be some animosity between Chandler and Amy Roloff.
Aside from Amy and Matt Roloff, we’re also keeping up with Zach and Tori Roloff. And Tori recently went to the hospital to deliver their baby, Lilah, during the show. When Zach and Tori found out that Tori was in the hospital, they had Matt, Amy and Chandler assist with their son Jackson. And Amy Roloff noticed that everyone gets together when it’s most needed.
Little People, Big World: Amy Wrote About Matt’s Scandalous Relationship With Caryn
Matt Roloff and Amy Roloff were married for several decades before they separated. And Amy wrote about the divorce in her memoir, A Little Me. According to Amy, there was another woman involved with Matt Roloff before the separation – and the woman in question was a farm manager at Roloff Farms. Those who watched the show know that Caryn Chandler worked on the farm before he was with Matt Roloff, and that’s all the rehearsal fans needed to know to assume Amy Roloff was talking about her.
“I saw messages, pictures and other things that shouldn’t have been shared between people who just worked together and were still married to other people,” Amy wrote. “I was devastated.”
Matt Roloff thinks Amy’s accusations were unjustified. “I think she overshadowed me,” Matt said of Amy’s book on the First Class podcast on fatherhood. “I don’t think that was really fair.” And it was painful. It was actually very painful. It took me a while to process it and absorb it.”
Amy Roloff has said several times in the past that she feels uncomfortable with Chandler. And they rarely see each other communicating on the show. Despite all the controversy, though, the family reunites when necessary. And when Tori was taken to the hospital to deliver Lilah, Amy, Matt and Chandler reunited.
“Tori went to the hospital a little bit out of the blue. Now we know it’s not a false alarm. That’s the real problem, the baby’s due tonight,” Matt Roloff told the cameras in episode 7. And that’s when the talk about what to do with Jackson came into play.
“While all this was going on, Jackson was asleep. So Amy Roloff got in the way. She went home to watch it until we got there,” Chandler added.
Matt and Chandler met Amy Roloff at Zach and Tori’s house to pick up Jackson. “I knew in advance that Jackson would stay with Matt and Caryn for at least a few days,” Amy said. “You know, I hope that no matter what’s going on, our family will still get together and be there for each other.”
Yes l Truly believe that Amy Rolloff should quite her stay ex husband affair with his girlfriend before the divorce. Anyways God knows all about that issue. So to Amy Rolloff get on with your new life ok You have far more important things to do right
Amy is a very jealous woman .
Does she realize that she has a new man so why is she so outspoken about Matt ?
It has to bother him ( chris)
Give it up Amy and stop acting like a high school girl all giggles and silliness.
I guess none of you women out there were ever cheated on by your husband well I don’t think Amy is jealous I just think it’s hard to get over it doesn’t matter weather you still love that other person not but when you’re married to him and you have trust in them and that trust is betrayed it’s very hard to get over and especially when that other woman is in your face and in your family I think that’s a hard thing to chew I think she’s quite courageous and quite strong and like I said jealousy has nothing to do with it it still hurts in your heart to know what went on and for him to act like it hurt him because she talked about well you done the deed Gotti is man enough to face up to it both you and Karen I mean we’re all adults here when your heart hurts it’s hard to get over it even when you are moving on and especially when it plays out in front of your face daily
If Amy had even one ounce of dignity she would STOP HARPING about her belief that Matt cheated on her with Karen. She’s the most relentlessly negative person on the program. Chris should think long and hard about marrying Amy. She loves being the wronged woman.
I don’t think she is jealous, she is probably hurt, having your husband involved with the hired hand, and the mistress in her space. I believe this was her plan for a time, wanting what Any and her family had, she had a husband. Amy, enjoy your life to the fullest, be careful she might try it again. You and Chris be blessed
I feel like the show has more become, “Little People, Amy’s World” – I actually went to the farm am met the family m, except Amy. Not upset about that. She needs to get over it and move on. You can tell most of the family are uncomfortable with how she acts/reacts. Grow up!
I am so FUCKING SICK of Amy Roloff bitching and complaining every time she opens her big mouth… and it’s not just me … if I happen to mention LPBW to anyone they all seem to have had enough of her complaining… some people say Why do you read this stuff …WHY .. because this shit pops up everywhere on the internet as an advertisement…
Why wouldn’t she be upset, someone moved in pretty fast after she was constantly pushed to move. Her home! where she raised her kids. To me someone had this thought out and planned.
I agree with you 100%. She worked for them and she did not even think about the kids. Amy and Matt were having some issues, but they couldn’t work it out because Karen was in the picture by then. Matt and Karen betrayed Amy. Karen knew a whole lot about Matt and Amy. Mind you, Karen was married. Matt is so guilty that is why he gets angry when Amy talks about his AFFAIR.
Amy good for you for speakimg out. Men should not be able to get away with cheating and breaking up families. He hurt you and your kids, put it all out there. They are the ones ashamed and embarrassed. Much love to you and your new beginning in life.
Amy has every Right to tell the Public Matt is a Sleaze ball and Watch Caryn she’s nothing but a Gold digger!!!! Chris is different he’s successful in his own right he’s a realtor who does very well… Caryn makes certain comments that lead one to believe she’s got more interest in the Farm than an Employee should…..
Matt tore out Amy’s heart and Jacob’s also…
They are entitled to their feeling’s and quite frankly it’s no one’s business…..
Thank God she found Chris…. I can’t stand Caryn any woman who will destroy a family like that I find her useless..
Caryn’s true nature comes out when Matt hoards something…She acts like she has a say in Anything…HaHa. I believe it’s Amy who owns the other half of Farm….Not Caryn…
Hope Matt opens his eyes before she sucks him Dry…
Wise up Matt you have a leech stuck to you……..
I don’t care to much for Matt anymore….
Love Amy and Chris..
Love Zach & Tori’s family…
You think Matt would of revthought things when he could of died during that surgery…Some people NEVER Learn…..
Give Amy a break! I was married for 20 years and was devastated by my divorce. I have known my ex since I was 12 and he was 13. When someone cheats on you it takes a long time to truly get over it. I think she thought of Matt’s girlfriend as a friend at one point. Plus if you found out someone you loved was messing around with someone you knew I’m sure it would bother you.
I don’t care who you are, if your partner has an inappropriate relationship with someone else while still with you then you are entitled to call them out on that….a day, a week, a year or many years down the road. What Matt did was deplorable and utterly shameful. The other woman should be ashamed of herself. Every relationship has issues but to get involved with a married or separated (unless they have been apart for years and everything but signing papers is over) person is wrong. Amy has every right to be as upset about that for as long as it takes her and no one has the right to tell her how to feel or express it. She has someone great but she is human and can feel more than one emotion and can have feelings on multiple issues at once.
I never really thought Amy had any respect for Matt. I have watched this show from the beginning and I think that Matt sometimes got a bum rap. From back talking to treating him like a nut. I just always looked over her. Does anyone remember what that house used to look like. She would just leave it. I’m not saying that Matt was a saint, but there are two sides to every story. I remember from the first episode.
Amy is hands down jealous of Caryn. Amy wanted Matt to hurt cause she left. She is always playing the victim role and it’s gross that she would bring the kids into it. She is always trashing Matt to the kids and the world. He couldn’t be that bad of a husband cause he gave her and the kids a pretty good life. Amy grow up. I feel bad for Chris cause if she is trashing Matt ALL the time. Chris needs to be worried cause if the marriage doest work you know damn well it would turn Amy into the victim AGAIN and she would trash him and make his life a living h*ll.
Amy has been treated like a doormat by Matt Roloff for at three decades. I’m so happy she has an adoring man like Chris in her life now. For a long time before it was made public, I felt that Matt was being unfaithful with their employee, as I speed past her parts in the show. She’s in it for Matt’s money, and she likes to share his spotlight. I think Amy is very kind to continue to put up with Matt’s shenanigans. Her attitude raises my opinion of her. May she and Chris be blessed with lifelong happiness together.
Amy has been treated like a doormat by Matt Roloff for at three decades. I’m so happy she has an adoring man like Chris in her life now. For a long time before it was made public, I felt that Matt was being unfaithful with their employee, as I speed past her parts in the show. She’s in it for Matt’s money, and she likes to share his spotlight. I think Amy is very kind to continue to put up with Matt’s shenanigans. Her attitude raises my opinion of her. May she and Chris be blessed with lifelong happiness together.
You apparently have detected a comment similar time. You are wrong.?This is the very first time I have ever made an online comment about anyone on “Little People Big World”. Obviously I am not alone in this opinion.
Amy the past is the past, you got Chris now focus on the future, focus on your new life. Cause as you can see everyone else has moved on. Just be there when your children needs you and that’s that. I wish you well and hope that you and Chris be very happy.
Truly your Fan
Please re-read the last paragraph I posted. This is the first time I have ever made a comment about anyone connected with the Roloff shoe!
Amy the past is the past, you got Chris now focus on the future, focus on your new life. Cause as you can see everyone else has moved on. Just be there when your children needs you and that’s that. I wish you well and hope that you and Chris be very happy.
In the old days, this was called Hanky Panky. Proper women didn’t take part in this especially if the man was married. How many of us have been cheated on? It’s not fun! Amy shouldsay something, or she will bottle it inside and. Be really mad at herself for not expressing her feelings.
Amy has every right to say what she feels, and Chandler needs to keep some of her comments to herself, if she dont like what Amy is doing and regardless if her and Matt is not married anymore he shouldn’t allow her to speak bad about her
Move on amy. . You got chris , is this why you treated matt like shit . Pretty much your whole marriage. . Always thought you were mad all the time . . All of you should except what it is and be happy .
How would you feel with your husband dipping and diving with another woman while we are still married. Maybe Amy needs to go if you get therapy besides she had for kids for him. When you think about it that’s abuse on the highest order.until you’ve walked in her shoes don’t criticize.
I truly believe that Amy loved Matt when they were married. Of course it would hurt any woman to find out that her husband is cheating on her with an employee or a friend of the family. Only time can heal some wounds but there’s always a scar.
Amy back off.U got a new man go with your new life and leave Matt’s along.
She had 30 yrs with Matt & 4 kids she was cheated on with a woman who worked for both of them . He treats Careyn much better than he EVER treated her. He hurt his children too. She knows she has a much BETTER MAN in Chris than Matt EVER was . You people need to get off her back . Also Matt’s smart ads remarks on the show about there difference doesn’t help.
WOW…any one of you would not have been as graceful as Amy had been if any one of your husband’s were having an affair with another woman…she has every right to feel the way she does…just because she is with Chris now doesn’t mean she has to abandon her past feelings…she is mourning the end of her marriage and I’m sure Chris is man enough to understand that and support her emotionally knowing that Amy loves him… now she has left the farm she can now begin healing completely and put the past to rest…it could not of been easy having to see the woman who became in between her and her husband on the property with your husband, knowing that Caryn, was one of the reasons her marriage ended…I think Amy is one great Lady with alot of class.
I am sorry, I don’t see it the way some people see it . Have people been following the show ? Amy was always doing things with the kids Matt made excuses bec he wanted to build his stuff. Just think if your husband was running to another woman who worked for the both of you with his marrige problems , I THINK AMY HAS A RIGHT TO BE ANGRY. Only Matt and C will know if he cheated but we pretty much can assume – HE DID ??? . HE EVEN SAID BEING FAITHFUL WAS NOT HIGH ON HIS LIST . It’s his way or the highway. I see even C gives him a look when he over rides an idea she has . Just saying what I see ?
If I had to leave my child with someone I would chose his grandmother not his grandfather and his girlfriend!
Matt is a bossy ,arrogant ,,narsistic cheater. He was always down on Amy . In my book ,he owes her . She put up with him all those years, ran his home ,raised his children . She deserves some happiness and relief from him . In any book hes a two timing pig .
I feel for Amy. I admire her. I was surprised she didn’t leave him years ago because of the way he treated her. His attitude was “my way or the highway” no compromising. He badgered her until he got what he wanted. The whole farm and he’ll sell it for far more than he paid Amy. We all have thought he was having an affair with “chacha” when he was still married. I think all she wants is his money.
You cannot blame anyone else but yourselves for your divorce it’s obvious neither one was happy in the marriage Amy did say she raised the kids Matt worked the farm and they grew apart. They both seem to be happy they should move on.Amy said she would not move in with Chris unless he made an honest woman out of her they are still not married and he moved in pretty quick when she purchased her home she should nit be saying anything about Caryn doing it on the farm he’s just as bad then. Why do they keep postponing the wedding ? If I were Amy I would open my eyes if your truest happy focus on your relationship and leave the past in the past
I find it very strange that quite a few people talk negatively about Amy finding it difficult to accept Matt’s obvious affair with Caryn. Amy naturally finds it difficult to accept this relationship as Caryn caused the breakup of her own and Matt’s marriage – she’s not a nice lady. Amy is well rid as Matt never really treated her well, never once thought about her needs. Matt is a bit of a sleece ball conducting an affair with his own staff. He says Amy’s disclosures caused him pain – no you caused this yourself. He is a narcissist like is idol Trump and is so conceited the way he behaves. Amy has done incredibly well to move on under these circumstances having to leave her home but she has a wonderful fiancé who clearly loves her and is a much nicer person than Matt. Go Amy most people support you and will take a long time to forgive big head Matt for his sins.
I 100% agree with you Hazel….the truth!
I see Karen as a gold digger and knows where the $$ is. What a back stabber to the whole family. Matt treats Karen with more respect than he ever did with Amy. Hopefully if Matt and Karen ever marry, he protects the the kids interest in the farm with a prenuptial. I wish Amy and Chris the very best and BLESSINGS.
Amy, you are a wonderful person who deserves the best. That is the reason why God brought you, and Chris together.
Ignore those ignorant people who are making negative remarks about you. These unscrupulous beings are cheaters. They feel guilty, and can’t stand to hear people talking about cheaters. Be happy Amy! Stay blessed!
It is not right for anyone to have sleep around on your love one my heart goes out to Amy I wish all the best for her and Chris
Amy shut up about Caryn and Matt. You are so petty. Every interview you criticize them both. Move on. Stop playing victim. You are a bore. They are both nice to you and you are always trash talking. Lay off…grow up. Stop it.
You look bad. First off, I think you are delusional about them being together other than work. You were so nasty to him when you were married to him. Condescending and always have to have the last word. If they did, so what? You treated him poorly and a man can only take so much. You weren’t the first woman to be cheated on and you’re not going to be the last. So get ahold of yourself and start trying to concentrate on your new relationship and stop being critical of Matt and Carmyn.
Amy, you are a wonderful person who deserves the best. That is the reason why God brought you, and Chris together.
Ignore those ignorant people who are making negative remarks about you. These unscrupulous beings are cheaters. They feel guilty, and can’t stand to hear people talking about cheaters. Be happy Amy! Stay blessed!
How can any real woman take up for a woman that works in your home for your family and start cheating with the husband! Really. Wait till it happens to you. Amy is not jealous of Caryn, she is hurt and feels betrayed by Matt. Even with their problems they had a beautiful family. It can never be the same for them because of Caryn. She does not want Matt.. trust me. Why????