Jessa Duggar has been involved, during the quarantine, in the creation of content for YouTube. However, she took some time to congratulate her husband, Ben Seewald, on her birthday on Instagram. The long post went into all the attributes Jessa loves about her man, but family critics have noticed something strange.
Jessa talked about Ben’s education and employment in the post, leading some critics to believe she had read all the comments, both positive and negative, about her famous family.
Counting On: Family Followers Have Criticized Ben Seewald’s Lack Of Employment
When Ben Seewald started courting Jessa, he was employed. When things got serious, however, he had already quit his job to get closer to his bride-to-be. Since then, it doesn’t look like he’s had a legitimate job. Instead of looking for work at one of the couple’s many businesses in northwest Arkansas, Ben chose to work with Jim Bob Duggar.
The family’s followers have been very critical of Ben’s lack of work. Simply put, tutoring the younger Duggar is not suitable for family critics. There may be a reason why Ben hasn’t decided to keep a job; he may not be allowed to. Derick Dillard, who married Jill Duggar in 2014, recently suggested that Jim Bob deliberately blocks family men from seeking work from outside sources. Jim Bob would reportedly prefer to keep them on the Duggar payroll to make sure he maintains control.
Counting On: Jessa Was Sure To Clear Up Confusion About Ben Seewald’s Education
If it looks like Ben was in school his whole marriage to Jessa Duggar, it’s because he was. When he applied, Ben was in the middle of a political science degree. He completed that program in 2015. The following year it was revealed that Ben was working on getting a second degree, but apparently he dropped out of his political science major in favor of a ministerial program.
According to Jessa’s birthday post, he completed that degree. However, no photo of the degree was published, nor was his achievement recognized. The lack of photographic evidence led some familiar critics to believe that he did not complete any accredited program.
Regardless of what the truth is about Ben’s work and education, it seems obvious that Jessa is sending a clear message to her followers with her long Instagram post. She seems to be on the Internet reading what’s written about herself and her husband.
I think Jon Gosselin is obsessed with his ex wife, Kate. That’s all he talks about. He needs to give it a break. The kids with Kate will see what he says about their mom and resent him even more. She saids nothing about him. JON STOP BASHING KATE. YOU LOOK LIKE A FOOL!
I very much agree. For years all he has done is bash her, puts her down to anyone who will listen, goes on sleazy reality shows and so on. She never opens her mouth and always takes the high road. He’s a jerk.
He us very obsessed with her. And if he lovesColleen so much why doesn’t he marry her?
I think he finally has a voice and opinion now that he’s away from her , she wore the pants and control in that family , he couldn’t have a say . I probably would have been up for murder if I had to live with Kate . You never hear of her family , probably glad to get rid of her .