Joy-Anna Duggar decided she could handle her two little ones alone and sent Counting On dad Austin Forsyth away with friends. The couple had just gone to Alabama together to see their friends. And it seemed Austin Forsyth was ready for more adventure.
Joy-Anna from Counting On took Austin Forsyth to meet his friends. They went moose hunting in the Colorado wilderness, but TLC’s Joy-Anna wasn’t just sitting at home waiting for Austin. As Austin Forsyth went hunting, Anna Duggar had her best friend Carlin Bates join her.
Everything seemed to go well with Austin Forsyth gone and Counting On star Joy-Anna with the kids at home, but it didn’t last long. The day Carlin left to go back to Nashville, Gideon Forsyth decided to make a mess. He took his poop covered hands and rubbed them on their living room blanket.
Counting On: Joy-Anna Duggar Glad to Have Austin Forsyth Home
After the incident with Gideon, Joy-Anna from Counting On felt her morning was going very bad. But Austin Forsyth sent her flowers from the wilderness and made things much better. Joy-Anna flaunted the large vase of roses and said Austin was so sweet.
Not long after, Austin Forsyth came home from his fun trip with the boys. -Joy-Anna said she was happy to have him home, and that she had to close some rumors. An unreliable source reported that the couple were in the middle of a divorce.
Joy-Anna told Counting On fans that she and her husband are doing great. In fact, she said that if anyone knows anything about them, they know they are happily married. Fans of the TLC show breathed a sigh of relief and told haters to stop spreading lies.
Please learn the difference between Joy-Anna Dugger and Anna Dugger.
Joy/Joy-Anna is married to Austin. Anna is married to Josh Duggar.
Please learn the difference between Joy-Anna Dugger and Anna Dugger.
Joy/Joy-Anna is married to Austin. Anna is married to Josh Duggar.
Who cares? He went hunting and came home! WHO CARES??????????? OH MY GOD
ALL LIARS SHALL HAVE THEIR PART IN THE LAKE, however, no one lies as much as Trump, he can’t find the truth in his mouth, yet you conservative think this is Christ like. Check your bible again.
I just want to share that my stuffing turned out too salty and my gravy turned out too mild. Therefore, I blended the two together and everything tasted fine.
Thank you.
Dont need haters. Theres enough hate and ugliness in the world today. One can find faults in everyone’s marriage. My grandfather once said ” if you cant say something nice dont say anything. I think everyone could take that advise. Glad thiscoupleare happy..
Why is it necessary to refer to everyone in the article by their full name? This reads like something that was translated through Google translate, too. I also don’t understand the point of this article?
If you’re going to do stories about the Duggars, which, unfortunately are almost always ugly and untrue, you could at least learn the correct names. Joyanna Duggar is not Anna. Joyanna is married to Austin and just had a beautiful baby girl after a truly sad stillbirth after her Grandmother’s passing. Anna is married to Josh who is who the paps focus on.
Anna Duggar is NOT married to Austin! JOY-Anna is🤦🏼♀️ Anna Duggar is married to Josh.
Didn’t Know that the Duggars were Racist….I Guinely liked the Show….Smh…👀🙄😳