Joy-Anna Duggar shared photos of Evelyn Mae celebrating her daughter’s six-week birthday. She lovingly calls her baby girl Evelyn Mae Forsyth on the pictures on Instagram that show her growing little one. Joy-Anna was excited to welcome a little girl, and now she is enjoying the fact that she is a girl mother.
Counting On: Joy-Anna Shared More Adorable Photos Of Evelyn Mae.
The first three comments are all from Joy-Anna’s family and her best friend. Anna Duggar showed up quickly and commented on how “perfect” the girl is.
Carlin Bates also came by to show her bestie some love, commenting “What a doll” in response to the new pictures of the little one. The two boyfriends and girlfriends have been there for each other in recent years. Carlin was the one who helped Joy-Anna prepare for the photo shoot with the girl she and Austin Forsyth lost in 2019.
Also the main Duggar Instagram account came by to show the love by using two emojis. That account is usually inactive when commenting, but shares different photos and moments that happen throughout the year.
It has been a journey for Joy-Anna and Austin Forsyth, so the love around Evelyn Mae is wonderful to see. They have waited a long time to welcome a girl and her birth in August was a special moment for the couple.
I love the Duggar kids, they are well raised good kids!
Larissa is supposed to be in jail, says the trending sites! Latest is her home w Eric in Colorado?? So, what is the truth for us who love the story??