Zach Roloff from Little People Big World decided to have some fun with Jackson Roloff. They put on some capes and played superheroes. In fact, they were the PJ Masks superheroes.
Fans of LPBW said it was cute to see Zach play with the kids. And that they were happy that Tori Roloff caught them on tape. It looks like Zach was the superhero Gecko of the show.
TLC’s Jackson was the superhero Owlette, and there was another masked hero playing Cat Boy. Little People, Big World fans said it was good they found things to do during these cold days. And viewers said they hope to have this footage for the upcoming episodes of the show.
Little People, Big World: Zach Talks about Parenting Two Kids
Little People, Big World star Zach Roloff said raising two children is much more challenging than having one. He said that Jackson and Lilah go at different speeds, and it can be hard to keep them both happy.
Zach from LPBW said the first six months of Lilah Roloff’s life was extra hard. Because she couldn’t move much until then, Zach said they had to take her anywhere. Now that she can walk around, it’s much easier, but still a challenge.
Viewers of Little People, Big World said Zach Roloff definitely deserves a cape. Many of them applauded him for putting on the costume for Jackson. And laughed at those who ran around the house in the outfits.
Zach expressed his frustration that he was in the house because of the pandemic. He and Tori Roloff are used to going out and having fun on a regular basis, but it’s pretty quiet around them. Nevertheless, they have traveled a number of times lately to break the monotonous feeling of their days.
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