My Big Fat Fabulous Life aired its latest episode for Season 7 on Tuesday. The final scenes showed Chase Severino proposing to Whitney Way Thore at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. Well, a lot of fans thought Chase Severino and Whitney Thore in a love story could be a fake plot. But regardless, their commitment opens up the possibility of another season in the future. So will there be one, and when do the fans expect it?
My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Way Thore Engaged To Chase Severino Could See A Renewal
Things happen in real life, long before the actual show. In fact, the TV show Ace reminded readers that they actually committed as early as October last year. In the past, the shows that have been renewed have gone directly to the shooting for the next season. So, there’s plenty of room for a wedding date or even a wedding on a new show. Also, Chase Severino doesn’t seem to like children. Meanwhile, Whitney wants kids. Sounds like a big hurdle. But, if Whitney gets what she wants (and usually gets it), a future season could be characterized by a big belly.
On social media, many fans are already asking if another season is planned by TLC. So far, no news has come from TLC. But given their break in shooting other shows, it’s not very strange. The outbreak of COVID 19 has blocked many shows. Even the 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 days of Tell-All has been delayed. Yet, long before TLC announced the new season last year, Monsters and Critics pointed out that Whitney leaked the news through her Instagram. Maybe the star of My Big Fat Fabulous Life will do it again this time.
On Twitter, fans have expressed how sick of Buddy they are. In the past seasons he has annoyed them, and this season once again. Those who complain about it would rather not look at anything than see Buddy again. One follower remarked, “I swear it’s better not to have to put up with another season of Heather complaining about Buddy. Desperation is not pretty for any size.” But, another noted, “I’ve watched since he came up and I can’t wait to watch @whitneywaythore every week and hope there will be another season.
Meanwhile, on Whitneys Instagram, some followers believe that season 7 of My Big Fat Fabulous Life was too short. Over there, many people have been clamoring for another season. One loyal follower said, “I feel like the season just started! Let’s hope we don’t have to wait that long for next season”. So far Whitney Thore has never answered any of the fans’ questions about a new season. Maybe she just doesn’t know.
TBuddy is a sick, whiny, drunken addict who is a leech on Whitney and she wants to save him in this SICK SICK SICK RELATIONSHIP!!! She needs to go to AlAnon and kick his sick whiney ass to the curb for good! SHE CANNOT SAVE HIM!!! He wants to drag her down with him and she goes down with him every time he comes crying! Kick him out forever you stupid girl!!! You have a quality MAN WHO LOVES YOU NAMED CHASE!!! Tell Buddy not to let the door hit his sick gat leechy drunken addictive ass on the way out and stop acting like you have some kind of relationship with his immature, loser ass! He needs to save himself or not but stop going down the loser toilet with him like he has anything to offer you!!! The ONLY person who can save him is himself and he is not interested! If you don’t run after Chase right now, you don’t deserve him because before him your taste in men has SUCKED! I don’t know what he sees in you but you act like you’ve had 10 Chases! Are you STUPID OR WHAT?!? Run, don’t walk down the aisle with that hunk of manhood NOW, you STUPID GIRL!!! And the another thing I have to say to you is, DO NOT HAVE KIDS!!! You are too old and selfish and self centered to bring another human being into your life because you wouldn’t want to spare all the time that a baby takes!!! You want all the attention on yourself! I am telling you like it is! Do like the high schoolers do and get a practice baby for 6 months! You would resent all the time that a helpless baby requires because you want to be the center of attention! I am telling you like it is, girl!!! So you go grab that gem of a man who loves you (and who I would give ANYTHING TO HAVE LOVE ME LIKE HE LOVES YOU!), don’t ever look in mealy mouthed sicko Buddy’s direction again unless it’s to point him to an AA meeting (and he will NEVER BE A STAND UP COMIC, for god’s sake but that is up to him, NOT YOU!!!!). And go live your glorious life that any WOMAN would give a body part to have to Chase ( and stop taking him for granted!) and fall on your knees and thank God for that man of men who has fallen into your lucky lap!!! I used to really like your show (except for where you were so codependent with Buddy trying to save his worthless ass!) (I had an alcoholic for a father and was married to a an addict so I know where of I speak!) until I nearly bit through my tongue listening you whine and moan about how obligated you felt about saving Buddy from himself and you STILL do it! You need big time therapy before you let your codependency with Buddy and Heather drive away the best man who has ever come into your life and you keep coming waaay too close! I love and care about you and am begging you to listen to what I’ve said. I’ve watched you and agonized over the things I’ve mentioned. I’ve told myself that this is just a TV show, to relax and enjoy life. But I really have come to genuinely care about you and your family (I have two grown daughters of my own) and I do think a lot of the things I see about you and your life are genuine. I finally reached the point that I felt I had to write. My best to you, Chase and your parents.
Wow…just WOW! You need to take a seat and maybe a Valium, too, lady! So you don’t like Buddy and think his and Whitney’s relationship isn’t healthy…your opinion isn’t valid enough to end long friendships! You feel Whitney’s actions are endangering her relationship with Chase (who you are obviously enamoured with). Again, your opinion means nothing. Your last words of wisdom concern how much you love Whitney and her family yet you call her too self involved and selfish to have children! Lady, you’re a hot mess! Get a grip and use all your wisdom to fix your own life…it must be a real shit-show if it’s anything like your comment.
I think people just want to see a next season because they can’t believe someone would actually want to marry Whitney. They want to see if it fails like they think it will because we as a society have been taught she is not deserving of true and real love because of her weight. I look at Glen and Babs sometimes and they often a have a face of fear and worry when they look at their daughter. They were not happy for her in the least. They just looked concerned that the guy may not be into her for real. It’s sad when your own parents who made you and see all of your great attributes still look at you like everyone else. I think the guy really likes her. Reason I say is because who would subject himself and the woman he couldn’t care less about to undue scrutiny when he could’ve just ignored her and found a more socially acceptable woman and kept it moving. He LOVES her. And she deserves it! Let them be happy.
Sorry but Chase and Ryan are using her , to try to get attention for themselves ,at least Buddy truly care for her
I just wish she would lose about 150 pounds. She works out and dances and she is still huge. I think I heard her say she is healthy…..NO you aren’t. All that extra fat is very unhealthy. Get on a Doctor’s diet, before you even try to have children. If Chase doesn’t want children, then give it time, don’t force the issue. Yes, I know your biological clock is ticking….but there is adoption if you are that serious. I do agree that you are very spoiled and self centered. Don’t raise a child like that. I also wonder why these guys date you, your mouth is trashy, you’re sloppy, could it be because of money….do they have jobs or do you take care of them. Lose weight, dress appropriately, and find a better class of friends, they all will take you down. You are very pretty and obviously was raised right. Your parents are wonderful people, I’m sure they wish you had better friends, but go along with whatever you want because they want to get along, BLESS THEIR HEARTS! I think you need a little counseling. It helps!
I disagree, Whitney and Buddy have been friends for 20 years. She shouldn’t have to choose. Chase must be insecure.